Arrrgh feminists, I hear you cry. Man hating militant lesbians, the lot of them. It's disgusting, really. I mean, they can drive, they can vote, what more do they want?
UGH. Stop that. Feminism is not man hating, feminism is about women being equal to men, and frankly we're not. It's easy to think that women and men are equal, I mean, we can vote and we can work, we can do all the things men can. But, that's half the battle. There is still a wage gap between men and women, and women's careers often get derailed because they want to start a family. Most women have to choose between kids and a career. Women can't walk alone at night without fear of being attacked by a man, and I for one am sick of walking home with keys between my fingers, just in case.
That being said, I don't hate men. Far from it. Men are great, I love my boyfriend and I have tonnes of friends who are men. And my dad is the greatest person in the world. But society and I hate to say, have created this divide between men and women. Women can be just as strong, as smart and as successful as men. But somehow being feminine is an insult, I remember calling my male cousins 'girls' as insults. Like somehow being a woman is insulting, no one ever insults anyone and says "god, you're such a man". Being a man is something we should strive for, women should be more like men, and men should be men. Listen to yourselves.
"Man up", "grow some balls", ah yes, because those things make you a better person. To quote Betty White "Why do people say 'Grow some balls?' Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."
Being female is not a weakness, and being feminine is not anti-feminist.
Now, for the boys, we know this isn't your fault, you've grown up with no need to fight to get what you want, you're a boy - you can do whatever you want. You'll never have to worry about your future simply because of what's between your legs. You'll never have to fight for any of your rights. You can be strong, powerful and manly, and if you're're a woman.
But, all this being said, I don't hate men, I think that's an absurd idea, I dislike people who belittle the feminist movement, who think that women are being unreasonable, who put obstacles in place for women. I hate society, feminism is not something that should even exist. We are all human, we should all be equal.